Monday, July 26, 2010

Week three progress report - and a conundrum

This week I started working out.  Not as a gym bunny, pumping iron six times a week...nothing drastic.  I just added an hour a day on the Wii Fit to my regular walking routine.  The first half hour I'll do a healthy mix of their yoga and strength routines...then I play the wii fit games.  But more on that later.  Anyway, I really feel great.  That's reason enough to keep going, so the weigh-in shouldn't be a concern.  Besides, I'm past the first couple weeks where the body adjusts to a new diet/routine, so I'm expecting the weight loss to slow down.

I spent part of the weekend in Park City, which meant two meals at restaurants.  The restaurants didn't allow for a lot of wiggle-room making health-conscious menu choices, but I did my best.  I ordered healthier-looking items and tried to make up for the excesses at the restaurants in other ways.  For example, Sunday morning I had the "Kitchen Sink Breakfast Burrito".  Yeah, sounds awful but it was really quite good.  During the meal, I skipped the sausage and sour cream.  Once I got home I made sure to work out, and for the rest of the day I ate lighter meals.

All things considered, it was with some trepidation that I stepped on the scale this morning.  Coupling the two meals this weekend with a projected tempered weekly weight loss, I wasn't expecting much improvement.  Granted, I'm working out more, but that's just been the last half of the week.

The results?  This week I lost four pounds.  FOUR POUNDS!  I checked and double-checked.  Even stepped onto the Wii Fit to have it verify the scale's reading.  So far, I'm down 16 pounds...meaning 34 pounds to my goal.

So hear's the conundrum:  A healthy weekly weight loss is between 2 and 3 pounds.  I'm not sure what the consequences of more rapid weight loss are, but I'm sure it can't be good.  The thing is, I'm not going hungry.  I haven't been miserable at all in the process.  And most of all, I don't feel unhealthy--especially compared to the way I felt in June.  Most likely the unexpected weight loss is directly related to the additional exercise in my routine.  Maybe it's another bump that will taper off like the first week's rapid loss.  Who knows?  Actually, I'm really there anyone reading this who knows what might be going on?

Here's my thought.  Unexpected loss one week may just be a fluke.  Perhaps I was a little dehydrated this morning.  Could be that the workout nudged my body a little overboard.  Probably the best thing to do would be to see how I do next week and evaluate (or reevaluate) my strategy based on next week's results.  Periodic scrutiny is always a good idea anyway--even if only to verify that I'm on the right track.

Above all, I feel great.  And I think that's a pretty good indication I'm going in the right direction.

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