My new fancy toaster came in the mail yesterday! It toasts bread/bagels/english muffins AND it hard boils and poaches eggs! Yeah, it rocks. I tested it out last night, with moderate success. So this morning, I got up, popped in an english muffin and 1/4 cup or so of egg beaters, and went back to getting ready for work! Here's what it looked like:
Notice the cute little "sidecar" where a tasty egg-substitute patty and some lean roast beef are cooking/warming.
When the egg is nearly done...exactly the amount of time it takes to toast an english muffin...the toaster kicks in. Aaaand when the toast pops up, voila! It's all done!
Here are pictures of the sandwich being assembled and anxiously waiting to be eaten:

As you can tell, life as we know it is over. Breakfast has been revolutionized. Here's the breakdown:
Oroweat English Muffin:
150 Calories
2 g Fat
27 g Carbohydrates
6 g Protein
1/4 cup Egg Beaters:
30 Calories
0g Fat
1g Carboyhdrates
6g Protein
Lean Deli Sliced Roast Beef:
90 Calories
3g Fat
1g Carbohydrates
15g Protein
270 Calories
5g Fat
29g Carbohydrates
27g Protein
Add a multivitamin, a banana, and two glasses of water, and I'm all ready to go for the day!
In other news, I hopped on the scale before breakfast. Down six pounds from Monday. Understanding that this is the "first week super-fast weight loss" and it's mostly water and it won't last forever, there's some real satisfaction in knowing that two pounds a week from here to my birthday and I've made my goal. Mind you, this is unofficial. The official weigh in will happen next Monday. But this is still a lovely boost.
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