1. Limit fast food, and when it's unavoidable, make health-conscious menu choices.
This is a big thing for me. Because I'm single and don't regularly cook for others, it's so much easier to grab fast food for lunch and dinner. Granted, dinner is a little more flexible so I don't eat out for dinner as frequently as lunch, but when I do it's almost always much less healthy than a quick trip to Subway for lunch. Additionally, I've noticed the unhealthy stuff tends to be less filling...or at least it tends to leave me craving more. On the other hand, I'm not as likely to feel "munchy" after a more sensible meal. So I'm gonna try to bring lunch from home more often, make healthy lunch choices when I do eat out, and for dinner...avoid fast food altogether.
2. Cut back on the soda--and keep skipping the sugary stuff
Okay, this is tricky. I do like my soda. And frankly the sugary stuff doesn't agree with my stomach. So besides all the artificial ingredients that are probably embalming my body alive, I don't see this as a huge thing. That said, I must admit I do drink too much soda. I'm aware that there is some discussion about the chemicals and their adverse effect on the body...I'm also aware of the line of thinking that says the artificial sweeteners are making us expect things to be sweeter than they actually should be. But one step at a time here. I'll have to give this some thought. Maybe limit the soda to meals...or give myself a daily cap.
3. Don't snack in front of the television
The mindless eating has got to stop. Seriously. It is so easy to open a bag of something and completely polish it off while watching television. So no eating in front of the TV. I know that's a little harsh and that many people can eat sensibly in front of the TV, but there's some kind of psychological expectation that develops when one frequently eats while watching TV. So for now, eating is eating and TV watching is TV watching and the two are mutually exclusive.
4. Include fruits/vegetables with every meal
This isn't difficult. It's not unpleasant. It just takes planning.
Actually, none of these things are actually THAT hard or unpleasant. It's all a matter of turning my brain on while I eat. As long as I'm conscientious about my intake, none of this will pose a major problem.
Me and the Soda Stream machine have some serious problems with you cutting out soda. Just sayin'...