Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day one...

July 5th.  Today I start in earnest.  I have a handful of things to report about my prep work, but those will have to wait till another blog post.  I want to talk a little about breakfast today.

Today is the "state observance" of Independence Day...meaning July 4th fell on a weekend so we're all taking a day off anyway.  It seems a great day to start--not only because there's no time like the present, but also it's a day off!  So I slept in till 11.  Okay, not all the way to 11, but breakfast didn't happen till lunchtime.  Oops.  But not to worry, I jumped in with both feet...well, I grumpily shuffled in with both feet.

Breakfast consisted of a 100% whole wheat English Muffin made by Oroweat, 1/4 cup egg whites cooked with non-fat cooking spray, two slices of lean roast beef, a sprinkle of cheese, and a cup of Naked Green Machine juice from the 7-11.  Here's the breakdown according to http://www.sparkpeople.com/:

Calories: 417  Carbs: 60g  Fat: 7g  Protein: 32g

Not a bad start.  The breakfast cooking won't work for a typical work morning, but it was a lovely meal.  Clearly a trip to the grocery store for real fruit is in order ASAP.

When all was said and done, despite the lack of variety in my refrigerator, after entering everything on sparkpeople.com I was within their suggested range for calories, fat, carbs, and protein.  Went a little over in the sodium department and woefully under in potassium.

What's most remarkable isn't necessarily what I ate.  In fact, that's pretty unremarkable.  It was the awareness and lack of guilt.  There are some things about the day's eating that I should have done differently.  So tomorrow's another day.

I've done it.  I've discovered the solution to the "healthy breakfast sandwich vs. work day time constraint" problem!  A fancy-shmancy toaster.  Available on Amazon.com for about $30, this toaster will rock my world...or at least my breakfast...if it works...I'll report back once it arrives.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! Day one, god day! One day at a time, or so they tell us at AA!!!

    Keep it up!
