Okay, it's time to do some evaluation based on my progress. I know...more math. Stop whining.
From the time I started, I had a total of 22 weeks till my birthday. Well, 22 weeks and a couple days. At a rate of 2.5 pounds per week, that's 55 pounds. Ambitious, but not too crazy. Obviously, I've exceeded the 2 1/2 pounds per week goal. So assuming that things taper off and my weight loss rate drops to an average of 2 pounds a week, I'll lose a total of 54 pounds. So it sounds like the important thing to do is stick to the plan. That's all. And, while that's been the big challenge for me in the past, this time I have incentive.
A little side-note: if I'm able to stick to the 2.5 week average weight loss going forward, I'll exceed my goal by over 13 pounds. And for kicks...if I can average 3 pounds a week (yikes), given where I am now, I'll lose a total of 73 pounds between July 5th and my birthday. That's not a goal. It's not even something I'm hoping for. It's just the high-end possible bi-product of my workouts and healthy eating choices (aka diet) continuing to out-perform my expectations.
So I'll keep working at it. I'm off to a great start, and it looks like I'll make or exceed my goal if I stick to the plan.
Please, please, please stop doing math. It hurts.