Monday, August 16, 2010

Week six progress report

Not to spoil the surprise but this was a less-than-stellar week.  Yeah, I stuck to the diet pretty well, despite two restaurant nights with friends, but all week I had the feeling that the weigh-in wasn't gonna be pretty.  And while it wasn't ugly, it wasn't anything near the previous several weeks' results.

Dreading the worst, this morning I hopped on the scale.  First it showed I'd lost three pounds, then it showed I'd gained one, then it showed I'd gained two.  Clearly the scale was in a mood.  So I fired up the Wii Fit and stepped on.  The change from last week: I'd gained 2/10 of a pound.  Basically no change at all.

Here's what I think the problem is: it's a lack of focus.  I know how to eat, but it's the same things all the time.  Not that they're bad, but I really think I need variety.  More than that, I need to be going to the gym regularly.  Not just going, but going with a plan.  Everything I'm doing now is pretty mindless and routine.  I need to shake it up.

So I got ready and left for work.  But not before packing a gym bag. I went back to the gym.  Believe it or not, the experience wasn't as terrifying as I had expected.  Despite all the walking, my time at the gym showed me that I've got a lot of work ahead of me to get in the kind of shape I want to be in.  Surprisingly, it wasn't a frustrating was more of an eye-opener.  Mostly I'm just excited because adding a fitness routine to the diet means I'm shaking things up...and when I shake things up, I tend to drop weight.  Yay!

Now to come up with a workable gym plan...

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