Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week ten (Sunday) progress report: The Viral Diet

Last week I felt like crap.  Monday I caught something nasty and it pretty much wiped me out for a couple days.  Since then, I've slowly but surely been recovering, but the sinus and chest congestion persists.  Basically this means it's been a week since my last visit to the gym.

Still, since I don't actually OWN a car, I've been walking everywhere...just not with the regular gusto, and definitely not with the intent to exercise...the walking has just been for transportation.  To make matters worse, during the worst of the cold, I regularly utilized one of the only effective method I know to temporarily but immediately relieve even the slightest portion of the throat and sinus discomfort: Chewing.  For some reason, when I have severe allergies or a nasty cold, the act of chewing and swallowing something seems to clear things out a bit.  It makes sense...between the facial movement and the friction of the food passing through my mouth and throat, something is bound to clear out...even if it's just a little.  The point is that for the past week, my eating and exercising habits have pretty well gone out the window.  Not that I've stuffed myself, but compared to previous weeks, it ain't been pretty.

So, not expecting to see any progress, I stepped on the scale this morning and braced myself for what undoubtedly would be a minor setback.  Maybe it's the fact that I've been sick, maybe it's the fact that my body is becoming more efficient, but even with a week off (sort of), I lost 2 1/2 pounds this week.  Total weight loss to date: 29 pounds.

If I can get the cough under control long enough to spend an hour at the gym without hacking up a lung, I'll be back in the gym tomorrow.

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